However, the most prominent cyber crime fraud is Social Engineering Loss, which is a type of cyber crime where attackers use email to trick businesses into transferring money. Here’s how it typically works:
The emails often use social engineering tactics to create a sense of urgency or authority, making the recipient more likely to comply without verifying the request.
If the cyber-crime event also breached personal information, the Privacy Act may be applicable.
Fraud and cyber-crime is addressed in various legislation, including the Australian Criminal Code Act 1995. However, it is challenging to catch cyber criminals due to the anonymous nature of the internet. Unfortunately, if their initial attack was successful, criminals often target the same victim again.
Over 87,400 cybercrime reports were made in FY2023-24, a decrease of 7% from the previous financial year, an average of one report every six minutes. The top three cybercrimes reported by businesses were:
Social Engineering Loss continues to significantly impact businesses, with an average financial loss of over $55,000 for each confirmed incident. Based upon their own data, Clyde & Co. advised the average Social Engineering Loss/Funds Transfer Fraud equals $135,000.
*Australian Government Annual Cyber Threat Report 2023 - 2024 *Clyde & Co. Under the Hood 2024
To mitigate the risk of fraud and cyber crime scenarios, organisations should consider implementation of the following in conjunction with their wider security programme and the advice received from their IT security adviser:
All of the following:
i. Social Engineering Loss ii. Push Payment Loss iii. Cyber Theft Loss iv. Cryptojacking Loss v. Telephone Phreaking Loss